Appliance Repair Miami

How To Unclog A Dishwasher

How To Unclog A Dishwasher

You save lots of time cleaning your kitchen when you have the help of a dishwasher to take care of most of your flatware and silverware. However, that time can be lost when dealing with a clogged dishwasher. Is there a weird smell coming from your dishwasher? Is the water not draining from your dishwasher sufficiently? Does it take longer than it used to run a dishwasher cycle? Are the items in your dishwasher not being cleaned as thoroughly as usual?

If you find yourself saying “yes” to these questions, then your dishwasher is clogged. If you wish to avoid individually cleaning every single individual plate and utensil for hours, you’ll need to know how to unclog a dishwasher. By knowing how to unclog a dishwasher, you’ll be able to figure out what you can do to return your dishwasher to working order sooner rather than later.

1. Empty And Disconnect The Dishwasher

The first step in knowing how to unclog a dishwasher is to completely empty it. An empty dishwasher will allow you to take a thorough look at the potential causes behind its clogging. Once you’ve emptied the dishwasher, disconnect it from its power source. Ensuring the dishwasher is disconnected from power will prevent accidental power-ups that could potentially harm you while unclogging your dishwasher.

2. Remove Stagnant Water

If there is any stagnant water in your now empty and disconnected dishwasher, take time to remove all of it. You’ll need a cup, towel, or sponge to collect the water pooling at the bottom and put it into a bucket so you can dispose of it later. You can also use a wet vacuum to clean it up faster. Don’t forget to place towels on the floor and surrounding areas to prevent any slips or additional messes.

3. Check And Clean The Drain

After getting rid of all the stagnant water at the bottom of your dishwasher, the first part you’ll need to check is the dishwasher drain. If food gunk and other debris are building up in the drain, you can clean it using vinegar and baking soda solution. This solution should sit for fifteen minutes before you run the dishwasher at the hottest setting.

4. Check And Clean The Filter

If you’ve found nothing in the drain or have finished cleaning the drain, then your next step in learning how to unclog a dishwasher will be to check out the filter. Your dishwasher’s filter should resemble a cylinder and can be pulled out by twisting it. Once it’s removed, you’ll check the filter for any buildup and clean it out as needed. To remove debris from the filter, rinse with water in the sink and use a brush to remove any smaller pieces of debris and gunk. After thoroughly cleaning the filter, put it back into your dishwasher and run it to see if that has unclogged it.

how to unclog a dishwasher

5. Unclog And Clean Drain Hose

Now, it’s time to check out your drain hose. Depending on your dishwasher, the drain hose could be located behind or at the bottom of your dishwasher. Consult a user manual to be certain, as this step may require assistance from an appliance technician.

First, you’ll need to see if the hose is bent or broken. If neither appears to be the case, carefully detach the drain hose to unclog and clean it. A drain clearing wire can be used to remove any clogs from the drain hose, but whatever you do, don’t use a drain snake to unclog the hose due to the material being incompatible with that of a drain snake. After unclogging it, you’ll clean the drain hose by using vinegar and baking soda solution to clean it out and run a dishwasher cycle.

6. Check Plumbing Connections

The source of your clogged dishwasher could be as simple as a problem with plumbing connections. This step simply involves checking that the drain hose and other parts are securely attached to your dishwasher. Once they’ve been securely reconnected, you should be ready for the final step of this process.

7. Reconnect Dishwasher And Run It Again

After thoroughly following through with all of the above steps, you’ll be ready for the final step in learning how to unclog a dishwasher. For this part, you’ll need to reconnect your dishwasher, but keep it empty. After reconnecting it and turning it back on, run a cycle and see if there are any signs of clogging. If any symptoms of clogging seem to be gone, then you have completed this task successfully.

The Best Appliance Technicians In Miami Are Here To Help!

Knowing how to unclog a dishwasher will save you lots of time and money in maintaining this part of your kitchen. However, if none of these steps seem to be effective or any of the clogging symptoms described in the beginning become regular, then it’s time to call for outside help. Luckily, if you live in Miami, you can access the best appliance technicians in your area by contacting us at Appliance Repair Miami today!


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